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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Title of an average post

So here I am, sitting on the couch, covered in banana smoothie (thanks to my own stupidity), wondering what to write here.

Then I was reminded by the lovely Claire, that school was back in less than a week. Now I don't have anything against school, don't get me wrong, but given the choice of either going back to school, or going on holidays and doing stupid things such as ballroom dancing in the middle of a road, the choice is obvious.

On the topic of holidays, here are a few things I did whilst on holidays in Tasmania:

-Went to a 16th birthday for a girl I didn't know

-Ball-roomed danced (not very well) in the middle of a road with my friend Freddy, until cars started honking their horns!

-Got attacked by two 7 year olds squirting water pistols at me

-Got lost in the middle of the city

-Spent over $100 on chocolate and hot chips in a week

-Made 89 friends

Sorry if this post sucked more than when you dive into a swimming pool and realise there is no water, but I'm tired (lame excuse, I know), and depressed about going back to school.

Swan Song,
Ellie xoxoxo

Sunday, January 23, 2011

If Facebook shut down...

If you have every wanted to know, doing burn-outs on a tricycle, then falling off, hurts.

You would have to be half-dead not to know or have heard of the phenomenon of the social networking world that is Facebook. With over 250 million active Facebook users logged on, on any given day, it got me wondering, what would happen if Facebook shut down? Would the world shrivel up? Or would we just see dazed teenagers periodically banging their heads against brick walls?

I have compiled this list so you can get a glimpse of what life would be like if Facebook shut down.


People would ring 500 of their 'friends' just to let them know that they are 'patting their puppy'

You would be harrased in shopping centres by people you hardly know, poking you

Credit cards would read 'Mr/Mrs/Miss Sarah Supermegahotbabyy Johnson'

As soon as you said something, random people would give you 'the thumbs up'

Every wall would be covered in random crap such as 'What's up, babe?' and
'ILY babe xoxoxo'

People would stalk you the old fashion way...

Everyone would have at least 8 siblings, 2 dads, 3 mums, and be married to someone of the same sex or widowed

You would walk past people having conversations similar to this one: "OMG your* saaaaaa hot!" "Thx babe xoxoxox but your the hot one here" "ILY"

Swan song,
Ellie xoxoxo

P.S. Hi everyone, Ellie here, I'm still in Tassie, but will be back with my beloved Claire on the 27th of Jan.

I do not have anything against Facebook, this post is purely for the enjoyment of our readers

*Yes, I know it should be 'You're' rather than 'Your', it's just to set the scean with the whole 'dumb, pretty, blond girl' thing

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Awkward Silences

I am never quite sure how to fix an awkward silence.


My Friend: Hey Claire, remember that time we accidentally went on the 'down' elevator when we wanted to go up*?
Me: Hahahaha, yeah.
My Friend: That was hilarious.
Me: But kinda embarrassing.
My Friend: Yeah.
Me: *thinking* Oh crap, is she expecting me to say something? Crap, I think she is. But what am I supposed to say? Should I keep talking about that? But I can't think of anything to say about that. Ok...subject change. But what should I talk about. But I can't say, 'awkward silence', cos that'll make it really awkward. Should I wait for her to talk? *waits for about a second* Crap, she's not saying anything. I heard that a gay baby is born during every awkward silence. A gay baby's probably being born right this second. Damn, well now it's been to long, I've gotta say something. *out loud* Awkward silence.
My Friend: Dude...yoou just made it awkward.
My Inner Voice: Told ya so.

Sorry this post was so short, I'm just really tired and can't be stuffed thinking too much.

Swan Song,
Claire xoxo

*That actually happened to me and Ellie once.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Aliens and Human Stupidity

A lot of people say that if there was intelligent life on other planets, they would have tried to contact us. But I think that if they do exist, they smartest thing they've done is not contact us. The human race is incredibly stupid, and has never been more so.

A Few Reasons Why Humans are Stupid And Aliens Have The Right Idea By Keeping A Distance From Us

1. When we're in swimming at the beach, and it's starts raining, we run for cover, even though we're already wet.

2. We spend a large portion of our day/lives trying to impress people we don't even like.

3. We are putting clothes on dogs, and kids in leashes, and not the other way around.

4. Our social life is getting in the way of social networking, and not the other way around.

5. We put labels on bottles of sleeping pills reading "WARNING: MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS"

6. We spend heaps of money on things we don't need, and never use them again, and then complain how we have practically no money.

7. In spite of all of this, we think we are the most intelligent species.

8. Although we know they won't, we ask other humans to comment on this post and tell us another reason why they think humans are stupid (pretty please) Even thought very few people actually read this (with cherries on top).

Swan Song,

Claire xoxo

P.S. Ellie will be back on the 27th :) Until then, you're stuck with just me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

An Average Week

So, I was completely out ideas for this blog post (I'm not sure if it's the Summer holidays, or my utter lack of creativity). So, I sat and thought. Then I got bored of sitting and thinking and ended up googling a bunch of stuff. After adding various files to my mental library, such as 'Yo Mamma' jokes, easy ways to remember the difference between stalactites and stalagmites and how many Justin Bieber's I could take in a fight (20), I saw something that really confused me.

Yesterday was Thank God It's Monday Day.

First of all, it sounds completely ridculous today (Thank God It's Mon Day-day).

Second, what is there to celebrate about a Monday? When I was trying to think of reasons anyone anywhere would say, or even think, the words "Thank God it's Monday", I thought of how my average week usually goes, and thought I would make that the topic of my blog.

An Average Week in the Life of Me


Wake up about 9. Go and grab some Milo, then are made by my parents to go to church. Then, for the rest of the day, do absolutely nothing.

All in all, a pretty good day.


Woken up at about 7. Go to take a shower, and am shocked by the freezing-ness of the water*. Eat breakfast even thought I'm not actually hungry, finish getting ready and go to school. Arrive a couple of minutes late, and have to walk to the office to get a late slip. Then find out that it wasn't even neccessary, because the teacher hadn't even called the roll yet. Have a terrible day full of learning boring things that I already know.

See, nothing goes right on Mondays.


Woken up at about 7 again. Get ready, and go to school for another dull day of learning. However, I am somehow able to function better on Tuesdays than on Mondays, making everything more bearable.

Woken up at about 7:20 because Mum slept in. Go to school, and am slightly more tired than usual because it's the middle of the week (notice how I avoided saying "hump day"). However, I enjoy school slightly more than usual because I realise Friday is getting closer.


Woken up at about 7. Go to school more willingly than usual, because FRIDAY IS TOMORROW.The rest of the day is pretty much irrelevant, because FRIDAY IS TOMORROW.


Get up at 7 without having to be woken. Have a shower, get a really nice Milo, finish getting ready and go. Admittedly most of the day seems to go on forever, but last fifteen minutes or so of school makes it all worth while. The anticipation as the second hand slowly drags itself across the numbers of the clock is overwhelming. Get up when the bell finally rings, feeling amazing. Get told by the teacher that the bell doesn't dismiss us, they do. Are forced to sit down for another thirty seconds. Finally are released. Have a mini party, right there at school. It is now officially the weekend.


Wake up at about 11 on the best day of the week. Somehow we can appreciate no school on a Saturday so much more than on a Sunday (maybe we take it for granted on Sundays, I don't know).

But you see my point, Mondays pretty much suck. Even on holidays/vacation, on Mondays all your friends seem to be busy, leaving you alone to be bored.

I realise that this post has been very whiny and "Bella Swan"** of me, but I'm just trying to express my utter loathing for that particular day of the week.

So, thanks for reading and don't forgot to follow us.

Oh, and Happy Thank God It's Monday Day for yesterday :)

Swan Song,

Claire xoxo

*Even the water hates Mondays.

**I don't mean to offend any fangirls. I love Twilight myself, I just think Bella is such a boring, whiny character.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year (Sorry if this Post Sucks)

Hey guys, sorry we haven't made a new post in a while. The reason is because here it is Summer holidays/vacation and we've both been interstate. Today, its just going to be me, Claire, writing because Ellie is still in Tasmania.

Now, I pretty much thought of the topic for this blog on the spot, so bear with me if it's terrible. I'm still tired because of the time difference between here (Melbourne) and Perth.

So, here it is:


1. Stayed in my pyjamas for a whole day, just because I felt like it
2. Started dancing when I was home alone, then realised I was on video chat to someone on Skype
3. Correctly guessed who the murderer was in a murder-mystery novel, but got the motive wrong
4. Got yelled at by an old man for throwing a shoe at a seagull
5. Secretly watched my 2 year old sister's Sesame Street DVD when I was home alone
6. Fell in love...with a guinea pig
7. Fell up stairs
8. Went to the beach, and yelled out a Harry Potter spell every time I jumped over a big wave
9. Moonwalked on the sand
10. Acted as a part of the Eiffel Tower in a school play
11. Tricked a girl I knew into believing that me and another girl were being kidnapped.
12. Along with Holly and her brother Andy, I tried to convince Ellie that someone had been murdered by writing 'MURDER' on the mirror and pouring tomato sauce in the sink.
13. Crumped/krumped* with my Uncle. While he was dressed in a grey wig and an 80's costume.
14. Acted as a slutty bogan in a play. A play Ellie and I wrote for school. For a Science Project
15. Went to the beach with Jamie, and wrote 'MURDER' on the sand, then worried that someone saw and was going to yell at us**, so then wrote 'LOL JKS' underneath it
16. Screamed with excitment that Darren Criss (from A Very Potter Musical) was going to be on Glee
17. Saw a scary-looking person on the street, and ran away screaming for help
18. Was forced to play the toy monkeys in my brother's recreation of the beginning scene of Toy Story 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKA2xaqSTVc). And enjoyed it
19. Dreamed a very naughty dream...I was stealing a biscuit from the biscuit jar. Oh yeah, and I was Superman.
20. Went to the dark side because they have cookies.
21. Made a blog with a friend, and got 5 followers. Only 3 of which we know. And honestly, 2 followers who we didn't know was much more than we ever expected. I strongly suspect that my Mum made two Google accounts without telling me

You might be wondering why I stopped at 21. Well, you can decide between the following reasons:
(a) I couldn't think of any more
(b) I could but couldn't be bothered
(c) I secretly work for the NSA
(d) One of my favourite songs was on the radio and I went to dance to it, then when I got back I was even more tired than I already was
(e) Darth Vader
(f) I wanted to use the word Darth Vader in my post and couldn't figure out how, and then I decided on writing this bit.
(g) All of the above
(h) None of the above
(i) One of the below
(j) Pirates

This post isn't very good, I know. Whatever. You try writing one of these when you're tired. Also, it was kinda similar to the first one, but as I think we mentioned in another post we're both very unoriginal. And I know this post was written in 1st tense while the other two were in 3rd tense, but when only one person is writing it makes it easier.

On the unlikely chance that people are actually going to read this, I'm going to ask you to leave a comment and tell me what your greatest accomplishment last year was.

Hope you all had happy holidays, and that you're all well. And by all, I mean the 5-7 people that read these.

Swan Song,

Claire xoxo

*In case anyone don't know what crumping/krumping is, it's a dance where you put your fists together, elbows out to the side, and start moving your hands towards and away from your chest. I'm aware that isn't what crumping/krumping actually means, but that's what we call this dance at our school.

**Yes, we're paranoid